Wenatchee YMCA Teen Center
The Teen Center is a safe and positive space for teens ages 11-17. Our mission is to provide free programing for teens where they can develop mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually in a safe environment. Teen Center Membership allows you access to the center during operating hours. Teen Center Scholarships are available and all are awarded at 100%!
School year hours: Monday-Thursday 3:30pm to 7pm & Friday 3:30pm to 6 pm | Summer hours: Monday-Friday 2pm-6pm
To learn more about our Teen Center email jasmine@wenymca.org
Additional offerings for teens
Community Partners | Teen Programs
YMCA Teen Programs
Friday’s 4:00-5:30PM
Teen Open Gym is for teens 11-17yrs. Teens are welcome to drop in to play basketball, volleyball and more!
No Membership needed. Teens are responsible for signing in at the Front Desk. Teens must provide emergency contact information.
This new program offers youth 6th-8th grade with supervised volunteer opportunities. Youth will gain leadership, communication and decision making skills. Youth will also have the opportunity to earn a Presidential Volunteer Service Award if they complete at least 50 hours of service!
Contact Jasmine at jasmine@wenymca.org
Looking for an adventure-packed winter break? Our Winter Extreme Teens Camp is the perfect place for teens aged 11–15 to experience thrilling activities, make lifelong friends, and create unforgettable memories!
What’s in store?
Outdoor Adventures | Creative Winter Fun | Team Challenges
| Relaxation & Cozy MomentsWeek 1: December 26th - 27th
Week 2: January 2nd -3rd
Members $150/wk | Community members $165/wk
Sign up for one or both weeks!
This program offers tweens and early teens the chance to explore a variety of activities and skills, fostering new hobbies, friendships, and connections with community volunteers. The program runs from 9 AM to 4 PM.
Be a part of our Extreme Teens Camp - Summer 2024 Edition! Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today and let the fun begin.
Summer 2025 TBA
Click here for more information
Questions? Visit our Front Desk or contact Jasmine at jasmine@wenymca.org
Many youth need guidance and assistance in order to transition successfully into independence and adulthood. Our mentoring program is for students 8-17 looking for additional nurturing, supportive adult relationships. Youth are introduced to positive community events and activities. Mentors provide guidance to youth in achieving goals and help access community resources for youth.
To learn more click here.
Triple Point NCW provides a safe place where youth can make positive connections, learn about community resources, receive the support they need, as well as participate in regular support group meetings with other LGBTQ+ youth and group leaders.
Triple Point NCW support group meets every Friday from 4:30PM-6:00PM in person at the Teen Center.
Youth United is a unique, locally sponsored program that encourages and rewards students grades 9-12 for volunteering within their community. Over the course of the program year, students who volunteer a total of 60 hours or more are eligible to receive a varsity letter in community service.
Meetings are held every 3rd Thursday of the month in the YMCA Teen Center.
For more information email youthunitedncw@gmail.com
Youth United is run by CAMPFIRE NCW. Visit the website below for more information
SV Dancers practice at the YMCA every Tuesday and Thursday. SV Dancers specialize in Quinceanera and Wedding chorography and Dama and Chambelanes rentals. For ages 14+
Contact Shantel Valenzuela for more information on how to join https://www.facebook.com/shantelchoreography/
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