Itty Bitty and Youth Sports activities are designed to introduce basic skills and concepts such as teamwork, hand-eye coordination, listening and social skills, and sportsmanship to participants. The YMCA supports youth learning through family participation. Sports are taught to children through parent and community volunteers. Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate with their child.
Registration open now. Visit the Front desk or enroll online
April 28th-May 21st Every Monday/Wednesday
4-5YRS- 4PM-445PM
6-8YRS- 5PM-545PM
Location: Walla Walla Point Park
Next Session: January 2026
Next Session: Summer 2025
Next Session: TBD
Interested in Coaching?
Visit our volunteer page or contact for more information.
The Y nurtures the potential of children through programs that strengthen character in our youth, engage families, and build lasting relationships.
Participants in these programs build skills, learn about teamwork, and focus on sportsmanship. Families are presented with second-to-none volunteer opportunities as coaches, team parents, and committee members. Youth learn new skills, make new friends, develop essential character traits, and set individual and team goals. We offer a variety of programs throughout the year to keep youth active and engaged here at the Y.