Programs & Wellness

  • See our Pool Schedule for current Youth Swim offerings.

    Grades K-8 welcome.

    During Youth Swim children must be signed in and out by their supervising adult when they arrive and when they leave the pool deck. Parents must stay within the building but do not need to stay on the pool deck.

    Children will not be allowed to leave the pool deck without their supervising adult present.

  • Uplift is a one-time session with a trainer that teaches practical components related to free weight, cardio, circuit training and general conditioning. Trainers will cover goals, habits, the importance of hydration and healthy food choices.

    Uplift graduates may participate in adult programs without adult supervision.

    Uplift classes are typically offered the third Monday of each month or by appointment.

    Ages 11-15

    Y Members: $55 | Financial Assistance is available!

    Register in person or online.

  • Seasonally we offer various Itty Bitty sports for ages 4-8.

    Winter - Basketball

    Spring - Soccer

    Fall - Soccer

    Learn More

  • Ages Crawling-5yrs

    We offer drop-in care as a FREE service to our Y Family Memberships. Family Membership parents/guardians are welcome to bring their children to Child Watch while they work out, attend a group exercise class, or utilize any other areas of the facility. Notably, Y Family Members receive 90 minuets per child per day. The Child Watch program is exempt from state licensing.

    Operating Hours:

    AM: Monday - Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm.

    PM: Monday - Thursday 4:00pm-7:00pm

    Adult and Non Members: $3/use and limited to 45 minutes

    Questions? Give us a call at (509) 662-2109

  • Ages 6yrs-10yrs

    We offer drop-in care as a FREE service to our Y Family Memberships. Family Membership parents/guardians are welcome to bring their children to Kid Zone while they work out, attend a group exercise class, or utilize any other areas of the facility. Notably, Y Family Members receive 90 minuets per child per day. The Kid Zone program is exempt from state licensing.

    Operating Hours:

    PM: Monday - Thursday 4:00pm-7:00pm

    Adult and Non Members: $3/use and limited to 45 minutes

    Questions? Give us a call at (509) 662-2109

  • The American Red Cross Babysitter’s Training course is fun and fast-paced with hands-on activities, exciting video, role-plays and lively discussions. Youth ages 11 to 15 learn child-care, first aid, leadership and communication skills such as:

    • Supervising children and infants

    • Performing basic child-care skills such as diapering, feeding and dressing

    • Choosing safe, age-appropriate games and toys

    • Handling bedtime and discipline issues

    • Identifying safety hazards and preventing injuries

    • Caring for common injuries such as burns, cuts and bee stings

    • Communicating effectively with parents

    • Finding and interviewing for babysitting jobs

    Participants will earn CPR & First Aid Certification.

    Next Session: May 10th

    9:00 am - 4:00 pm

    Location: YMCA

    Ages: 11-15 years old

    Cost: $95 YMCA Household Members | $105 YMCA Members | $120 Community Members

    *Fees increase by $10 the Friday before the class


    For more information contact Cara at or 509.662.2109

Our Promise

The Y nurtures the potential of children through programs that strengthen character in our youth, engage families, and build lasting relationships.

Participants in these programs build skills, learn about teamwork, and focus on sportsmanship. Families are presented with second-to-none volunteer opportunities as coaches, team parents, and committee members. Youth learn new skills, make new friends, develop essential character traits, and set individual and team goals. We offer a variety of programs throughout the year to keep youth active and engaged here at the Y.

Scholarships are available!